Family finances articles

This family finances blog will inform on things from budgeting tips and tools, savings and everyday money guides, to protection for you and your family.


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From the age of anxiety to an era of opportunity, workers across the globe are worried about their futures. To tackle those concerns effectively we may need to transform the employee benefit landscape.

Parents in Ireland continue to take on rising debt to fund children’s education with secondary school costs now more than double that of primary.

For parents, the cost of sending children to college can be significant according to Zurich’s 2019 report into the cost of education in Ireland. But it’s not all bad news and parents are seeing the benefits of developing a savings habit early in their children’s lives.

Remember back to 2014 when pretty much everyone was having buckets of ice cold water thrown over their heads to raise money for the ALS Association?
Pre-occupied with running around after your children, you may not have thought about protecting their future. But here’s why you might want to…
When you enjoy a regular income, it’s easy to start taking it for granted. The reality is that it only takes one serious illness, injury or death to have a devastating impact on a family’s finances.

It’s a tricky balancing act between holding your dream wedding and managing your budget. Here are some tips to get the most out of your wedding budget.

The high cost of putting children through third level education is resulting in significant financial strain for Irish families, leaving 50 percent of parents in debt, according to research published by Zurich.

Speaking at the launch of Zurich’s Cost of Education research report, Jonathan Daly, Head of Retail Distribution and Propositions at Zurich Life said early saving is the best way to prepare for covering your child's education costs. 

The regular outgoings and cost of running a house can quickly add up. But there are simple things you can do to reduce your households cost. Check out our A-Z on how to make big savings in your home.