Zurich risk ratings update
Fund risk ratings are a key part of the advice process, and Zurich’s risk profiler, portfolio builder, and other online tools are there to assist financial advisors with their client conversations. A 1-7 risk rating scale features across Zurich’s tools, literature, and website including on fund pages, factsheets, and individual client dashboards.
For over ten years Zurich have used a risk rating methodology produced by ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority). In the Irish market today, various other risk rating methodologies are being utilised and the original ESMA scale is not as widely used as it once was.
From January 2025 Zurich is introducing its own in-house risk rating methodology. We are doing this because we feel this is more understandable to both customers and financial advisors, and less likely to change from quarter to quarter. It also covers a longer period in the markets and is less prone to abrupt changes.
You can find out more information on the change here.